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The Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission took 88 disciplinary measures against gambling licensees and their employees in 2023-24. They also demonstrated zero tolerance towards betting by or on minors and implemented a new intelligence-led, risk-based regulatory approach.
The VGCCC’s annual report, which was presented in Victoria’s parliament, demonstrates the VGCCC’s commitment to ensure that gambling providers do not only adhere to the letter but also to its spirit.
Fran Thorn, Chair of the VGCCC, said that “our regulatory response is proportional to the harms and risks caused when a gaming operator fails to meet its obligations.”
“We will not tolerate deliberate or opportunistic violations of the law, and we will take action as soon as we discover a violation.”
The VGCCC has completed more than 1600 audits and 2770 inspections at venues throughout the state. This includes a regional blitz. Ten prosecutions have been successful.
Tabcorp and Australian Leisure and Hospitality Group were among the licensees that faced disciplinary action. Fining was one of the measures taken.
* Tabcorp was fined $1 million by the VGCCC for failing to follow directions repeatedly during an investigation into a system outage.
* ALH $480,000 in fines for operating poker machines outside the trading hours at 8 venues and not observing mandatory shut down periods
Myndit Pty Ltd was fined $80,000 by the Australian Federal Court for numerous breaches of financial records and cheque payment requirements. Myndit once paid a poker machine winnings cheque to someone who wasn’t in the venue when the winnings accrued.
Ms Thorn highlighted that the new tip-off feature of the VGCCC, which allows members of the general public to anonymously report suspicious or inappropriate conduct, has been a great success.
She said that in the first year they received 260 tips on a variety of topics.
In response to an online complaint by a member the public, VGCCC conducted an investigation and brought charges against bookmaker Bluebet Pty Ltd. for illegally advertising gambling on a public highway. The company was fined $50,000 and found guilty of 43 counts.
We also worked with AFL to implement stricter controls on Brownlow Medal voting, betting and wagering following reports that a umpire leaked round-by-round results in 2022.
In response to the concerns of the community, we worked with the sports controlling bodies in Victoria to ban betting on all junior and senior sporting events and individual players aged under 18 years old.
The VGCCC decided that Crown Melbourne is eligible to hold a casino licence in March 2024 after two years of being under the supervision and management of the Special Manager appointed by the government.
The licence is subject to strict conditions. Crown must continue its reforms under a three-year Transformation Plan, for which Crown will be held accountable.
We have a duty to ensure that gambling activities are conducted in Victoria in accordance with regulatory obligations, and that providers act safely, fairly, and with integrity.