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The extraordinary GenTo. The show-event marked the beginning of TotoGaming’s rebranding. The show was a 20-minute long, captivating experience that incorporated sound, light and holographic technology. The history of the brand was told using a theme that resonates with today’s youth: heroes and antiheroes. This choice is not a coincidence.
The performance was dedicated to both the Toto generations that have flourished throughout the existence of the brand, and the new Toto generations currently taking form. These generations share the same values as Toto: innovation, honesty, and championing.
TotoGaming, in its 19 years of existence, has overcome many challenges. It has become a brand instantly recognisable and created an entire Toto eco-system. The brand has now expanded its reach into the Romanian marketplace. TotoGaming Romania aims to be one of the leading brands in Romania. To do this, the company will use the tools it has developed over the years to improve customer satisfaction and present innovative solutions which challenge stereotypes of the gaming industry. All of these goals were embodied in the show. The show was a metaphor for all of these aspirations. Toto assumed the role of an astronaut hero and Toto’s online world expanded to the point that it became a new planet.
During the event the employees of the brand introduced guests to Toto’s core values and vision. They also explained what makes Toto different from other brands. These values, which include honesty, innovation and championing are aimed primarily at the users. TotoGaming aims to offer a fair and enjoyable gaming experience by offering them new options and customization. The brand strives to be inspirational and meaningful, putting the customer in the center of all they do. Toto believes that being a champion means more than just having a title. It is a way of thinking, and this philosophy is reflected in everything they do. TotoGaming is the benchmark for a fun and safe gaming experience.
GenTo. GenTo.